Brand strategy is a vital ingredient and catalyst at all stages of the name development process.
Brand strategy:
Our middle name
Brand architecture
Tidying your drawers
Organic growth, mergers & acquisitions, a dynamic R&D department, all lead to a proliferation of names, brands, tag-lines, straplines, mission statements, sub-brands and product variants. This obscures your vision and brand message, confuses your sales team, frustrates your marketing team with too much marketing collateral to support, loses you clarity and cross-selling opportunities with your clients.
We delve deep, explore the most secret recesses, compare you to your competitors, point the finger at the dark corners and taboo subjects.
We bring clarity, coherence, rationalisation. We retire names, we rename brands, we organise brand hierarchy and relationships. We make you more effective, save you money and boost your sales. It’s not for the faint-hearted but what is there not to like?